When you think about all the brilliant ideas that have moved humanity forward, everybody always mentions things like penicillin or the internet. But what about putting your pillowcase in the freezer before you go to bed so it’s extra cold?
There’s smart, and then there’s #StupidSmart. Those dumb moments of indulgence that are so simple they’re brilliant. Tubi prides itself on being #StupidSmart. We’re giving the people access to thousands of hours of movies for free, without even hiding them behind a login. And sure, there’s commercials. But if you’re #StupidSmart, you already know commercials are built-in phone breaks.
Tubi is the “french-fries-in-your-milkshake” of streaming services, and dammit, we’re proud. This campaign owned #StupidSmart, and positioned Tubi as the platform for those looking for a better way through weirdness.